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Alyssa Milano | Double Dragon (1994) Two halves of an ancient puzzle are the only hope.

Two brothers have half of a powerful ancient Chinese talisman. An evil gang leader has the other hal ...View More

Nazis at the Center of the Earth (2012) Full Action Movie

Researchers in Antarctica are abducted and dragged underground by a team of Nazi survivors planning  ...View More

Things to Come (1936) H.G. Wells War film | A hundred years ahead of its time.

Things to Come (also known as Shape of Things to Come and in promotional material as H. G. Wells' Th ...View More

The Shape of Things to Come (1936 Sci-Fi) Directed by William Cameron Menzies

In 1940, businessman John Cabal struggles to enjoy Christmas as the threat of war looms over Everyto ...View More

This couple can’t stop cloning | Variations on a Theme

A couple has mysteriously begun to split into many copies of themselves as a new mutation destabiliz ...View More

Other Other | Sosie Bacon & Scoot McNairy start Online Dating in the Multiverse

Myka and Spyro have been dating online for a year when they decide to meet in person for the first t ...View More

original skin | Sci-Fi Short where People Body Swap through Sex

In an alternate world where having sex means swapping bodies with the other person, a young woman st ...View More

Proxy | She Fulfills Their Desires, But There's a Cost | Sci-Fi Short Film

In a world where people hire ‘Proxies’ – trained humans who stand-in for a lost loved one — Victoria ...View More

FROM.BEYOND | Mankind’s First Encounter with Alien Life in Unsettling Short Film

A kaleidoscopic vision portraying mankind’s first meeting with alien life, told through faux archiva ...View More

FLITE | Hyper Realistic CG Sci-Fi Short Using Unreal Engine

Super impressive sci-fi made with Unreal about a world champion hoverboarder attempting a daring esc ...View More

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